The Rocks Cry Out: Learning to hear non-human voices in the Scriptures" - Dr. Ryan Turnbull, our Diocesan Discipleship Developer (bio: will be providing a sermon at St. Peter's and a subsequent workshop (soup lunch included) after the service on April 6th, 2025. The lectionary text for that day is Isaiah 43:16-21 and Ryan will preach on that topic. Following from that text, Ryan will facilitate a bible-based workshop,"Reading Ecologically", where we will look at texts that have been used for creation-care purposes, some that have been used against it, and offer a hermeneutic (reading strategy) for how to read Scripture in a way that honours God's affirmation that "it is good." A sign up sheet can be found on the church bulletin board in the narthex.

There are two ways to donate online through our website. One is through Tithely and the other through CanadaHelps. We are currently experiencing technical difficulties with the Tithely option and request that you discontinue using this link until further notice. However, feel free to continue using the CanadaHelps link if you would like to donate online. We are working with Tithely to resolve this issue. 

If you would like to support the Glenlea Nursery fundraiser, there are a few ways to do so. The flyers and order forms are available online at - click on Spring fundraiser, choose St Peter's Anglican Church  and then make your choices and pay the nursery. Deadline for online ordering is April 15th. Alternatively, if you prefer to complete a paper order form, please provide the completed order form to Janet Bouskill by April 6th. The garden centre will deliver the plants to St Peters on the afternoon of May 16th, just before May long weekend.  
Spring Equinox Labyrinth Walk – Thursday, March 20, 6:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Join us for a time to honour that which is awakening in our lives as the days lengthen. 

Spring Food Drive: As part of St Peter’s Easter campaign, the Outreach Team will be sponsoring another food drive for the benefit of St Thomas’ parish. This campaign starts on March 16th and runs till April 13th. We hope that our spring food drive will be as successful as the one we held for St Thomas in December. Non-perishable food donations can be left in the specially marked bins/boxes in The Narthex. Thank you for your support. A list of the most wished for items will be posted on the Outreach bulletin board. Their most needed items include: cooking oil, pasta sauce, pancake syrup, salt, peanut butter, canned proteins, baking powder, canned soup and beans (no pork), 2L bottles of Sprite, food packaging items, cat and dog food, cat litter, and toilet paper. 

Thelma Wynne Update: Many thanks to everyone who has donated baby items for layettes. The playpen in the Narthex is filling up quickly! This project runs until the end of March so there is still lots of time to add items if you wish. The Outreach Committee members and organizers of the Thelma Wynne project greatly appreciate your generosity.