"The liturgical year is an adventure in bringing the Christian life to fullness, the heart to alert, the soul to focus.  It does not concern itself with the questions of how to make a living. It concerns itself with the questions of how to make a life."

- Joan Chittister

Liturgy at St. Peter's is poised to take us deeper and deeper into the life of Christ, so that this Life becomes intricately woven into the lives of those who worship here.  In worship, we offer praise and celebrate God as the Source of all life and love. Week by week, month by month, year by year we retell the story of God's gracious acts as we strive to attune ourselves to God's character and purpose. Our goal is to – over time - become changed into the image of Christ, whom we worship and follow.

It is our sincere desire that all who worship at St. Peter's will be filled with a sense of the presence, love, warmth, and transforming embrace of God, made known through Jesus and sustained by the Holy Spirit. Through this gift it is our goal to create a worship environment in which visitors will discover a sense of hope and God-inspired purpose.

At St. Peter's worship and mission are intimately linked. The love and generosity of God made known in worship is expected to be made manifest in the church, our families, local communities and beyond.

"The Lord has told you mortals what is good, and what it is that the Lord requires of you: only to act justly, to love loyalty, to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8


Worship Times

Sunday 10:30 a.m. Eucharist