St Peter’s Anglican Church extends a warm welcome to all visitors and newcomers!


Please help us to offer a safe and comfortable worship experience by following these guidelines…


MASKS are optional for parishioners during the worship service.

SOCIAL DISTANCING is encouraged. You are welcome to sit wherever you like, but please respect the comfort of others and ask for permission before sitting other people.

MUSIC: The lyrics for hymns/songs sung during the service will either be found in ‘Common Praise’ (the blue hymnal found in the pew), or they will be provided in an insert in the bulletin.

LITURGY: The order of service is found in the ‘Book of Alternative Services’ (the green book found in the pew, which is commonly referred to as the ‘BAS’). The service bulletin which you will be provided will includes the page numbers for relevant sections of the BAS for the service.

NEED TO SIT DURING WORSHIP? There are sometimes long periods of time when we stand during worship, please feel free to sit down at any time.

EXCHANGE THE PEACE if you are comfortable doing so, please exchange the peace with a handshake or fist bump. If you’re not comfortable with physical contact, please wave, a bow, or some other gesture.

COMMUNION: All are welcome to receive Communion. Gluten free wafers are available on request. Please follow the direction of the sides people and form a single line in the center aisle to receive the bread. It is helpful to the Presider if you open your hands flat rather than cupping them, to avoid direct contact. Move to either side to receive the wine. If you do not wish to receive wine from the common cup, touch the base of the chalice (or touch the bread/wafer to the base).  Intinction (dipping bread/wafer into wine) is not allowed. If you do not wish to receive the bread/wafer or wine but wish to receive a blessing, cross your arms over your chest. Please return down the side aisle after receiving communion.

HEALING PRAYER is available on the ‘choir side’ of the altar rail (after having been offered communion) for those who wish to request that prayers be offered (e.g., for an illness or situation they are experiencing, which is held in confidence). Prayer team members will offer a prayer of the Church for the healing power of God in relation to the particular illness or situation, and offer anointing with oil which has been blessed by the Bishop.

PRAYER BOWL If there is someone for whom you wish silent prayers to be offered, please write their name a slip paper (which is available on the table at the back of the church) and place it in the prayer bowl on that table.

NUT AND SCENT AWARE ENVIRONMENT Since many people have allergies to nut products and/or have sensitivities to specific scents, please refrain from bringing nut products, and wearing highly scented products.

HYBRID ENVIRONMENT In the spirit of inclusivity, and as part of the Body of Christ, St. Peter’s welcomes parishioners to actively participate in Sunday services (e.g., leading prayer, reading, or canting the Psalm) via Zoom when their circumstances limit them from attending in person. This means that you may hear someone's voice through the audio system, rather than seeing them physically. When there are virtual participants contributing to a service, the Officiant will acknowledge they are joining us online, prior to them speaking.