St. Peter's has a strong commitment to caring for others: those with whom we share parish life as well as those in the wider community and the world. We take seriously our call to extend God's love, and generosity through tangible acts of caring.

Parish Caring Ministries During the Pandemic

Pastoral care at St. Peter’s continues as much as possible during the pandemic and shutdown. Prayer shawls were given to two parishioners and gratefully received.

The Prayer Chain continues to be well used. Confidential requests are made to Ross Phillips as convenor and communicated to the chain, who include the individuals in their daily prayers. The list of names is updated as needed.

The casserole program has recently been reactivated. During the pandemic support in the form of home-cooked meals has been arranged on an as-needed basis for parishioners who have been hospitalized and face lengthy recoveries. As long as the building remains closed to in-person worship, a small inventory of casseroles and baking (sliced loaves, muffins, cookies, etc.) is being maintained in the freezer at the church and will be delivered as needed. A list has been created of parishioners who can be approached to provide meals and baking as they are required.

Since October, the members of the Parish Caring Ministry have undertaken to contact every parishioner monthly with a card, email, or phone call. We have created cards using photographs of scenes from nature provided by parishioners. We will continue this ministry until the building re-opens, and then resume our previous practice of monthly contact with parishioners who are unable to attend worship in person.

Even though the pandemic has kept us physically apart, our St. Peter’s family continues to come together and care for and about each other as much as possible. The Parish Caring Ministry is blessed to be on the inside track of these activities.

If you wish to be a part of Parish Caring Ministries or you know of someone in need of support, please call the church office at 204-488-8093.