Current Ministries

Sunday Morning Ministries:

  • Sidespeople
  • Hosts
  • Altar Guild
  • Music
  • Officiants
  • Reading and Proclaiming Scripture
  • Prayers of the People
  • Administrant
  • Healing Prayer Team
  • Sounding Bowl
  • Refreshment Time Team

Ministries Beyond Sunday Morning:

  • Labyrinth
  • Christian Meditation
  • Library
  • Worship Planning Team
  • Liturgical Art
  • Flower Arranging
  • Pastoral Care Ministry
  • Creation Care
  • Outreach and Mission Team
  • Adult Christian Education
  • Building Maintenance
  • Finance
  • Garden and plant care
  • Vestry
  • Jesus Shaped Life

Opportunities for Ministry

When St. Peter's shifted to a collaborative model of ministry a few years ago, one of the first things we did was to expand our definition of ministry.

Whether someone is exploring a call to ministries that already exist, or something brand new, St. Peter’s is committed to supporting people to develop their gifts. To learn more, please contact the parish office at 204-488-8093 or